Nutrients that have been demonstrated (in either animal or human studies) to be required by the immune system to function efficiently include essential amino acids, the essential fatty acid linoleic acid, vitamin A, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, Zn, Cu, Fe and Se. Practically all forms of immunity may be affected by deficiencies in one or more of these nutrients.
The FAO has shown the dangers of essential nutrients deficiency for our immune system.
We should ensure that all these nutrients remain present in the body when we are healthy and especially during an illness.
Actually, some of these nutrients are depleted when fighting a viral infection, therefore a bigger quantity than usual will be needed. Lack of nutrition in the different stages of an illness can have fatal consequences, we will need to ensure security both at home or in a hospital.
Thats why, based on our own research and references of some medical professionals, we have chosen to propose to the citizens the use of the following kit*
As a phrophilactic to be taken as a form of prevention against substantial symptoms:
- Quercetin: General antiviral agent. Proofed inhibition ACE2 protein by supercomputing research. Zinc ionizer. Anti-inflammatory. 500 mg per day
- Zinc: Avoids Virus proliferation in cells. 40 mg per day
- Vitamin C: modulates and boosts immune system, increases absorption of Quercetin. 2000 mg per day
- Vitamin D3: Boosts immunite system. Deficient when there is a lack of sunlight, typical in confinements 2000-3000 iu per day
- Food and if needed supplements that include other immune system elements such as folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin E, Copper and Selenium.
The Quercetin and vitamin C should be taken together as Vitamin C helps quercetin absorption (also olive oil helps Quercetin absorption).
As for initial symptoms when we experiment cough or mucus, or if we experiment fever or some first known systems, it means that our immune system will be busier to react.and we need more key nutrients for them to work at the intensity that our body needs.. As more frequent and stronger the symptoms are, we would need more amount of the following compounds.
- Quercetin: General antiviral agent. Proofed inhibition ACE2 protein by supercomputing research. Zinc ionizer. Anti-inflammatory. up to 2000 mg per day
- Zinc: Avoids Virus to proliferation in cells. up to 100 mg per day
- Vitamin C: modulates and boosts immune system, increases absorption of Quercetin. up to 10000 mg per day
- Vitamin D3: Boost immune system. Deficient when there is a lack of sunlight, typical in confinements. Up to 15000 iu per day
- Supplements that include other immune system elements such as folic acid, vitamin A, Vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin E, Copper and Selenium. A multivitamin – multimineral compound could help to have them all.
Distribute the intake of them throughout the day with a frequency based on the symptoms. For example, quercetin and Vitamin C could be taken every 4 hours when presented with only a few symptoms and each every 2 hours when symptoms are more and stronger.
Of course, a balanced nutritive diet should be present in any sensible moment of our lives!
*For pre-existing conditions or pregnancy ask your medical reference, before taking the kit
** learn more about quercetin from this link:
*** Check quercetin and other natural compounds scientific references here: